Celebrate Earth Day - Eco-Friendly Yoga Retreat

photos by

Peacock Pavilions

I know I've talked about the amazing place where the Moroccan

EAT.PRAY.MOVE Yoga Retreat

will take place, but in celebration of Earth Day, I wanted to tell you about another part of Peacock Pavilions that is very relevant today especially - the "eco-friendly" part.

Peacock Pavilions

was designed with the earth in mind, and the owners take steps to make a healthy haven, and one that doesn't make a huge mark on the land. Located on a 8.5 acre piece of land just outside Marrakesh, 5 acres of which is olive grove, this boutique hotel was built taking certain things into consideration to make it more "green". With over 300 days of sun a year, creative pergolas and porches allow for the needed shade.

To reduce electric energy consumption and carbon output, here are a few things Peacock Pavilions lists on their website as eco-friendly elements:

  • Insulation in the walls and on the roofs more vulnerable to heat gain or loss. This step is almost always skipped in Marrakech, because of the extra costs entailed.

  • Aluminum windows with air tight seals.

  • Rumsford fireplaces which radiate more heat into a room and less up the chimney.

  • Radiant floor heating. Hot air passes through pipes buried in the concrete floor slabs. The heat is then radiated into the room over a period of hours. This is more efficient than heating air, and nicer for the feet, too.

  • Air conditioning through evaporative cooling. This system draws 70% less energy than conventional air conditioners and is well adapted for arid climate. Used frequently in the southwest of the US, evaporative coolers blow a mist of water over a filter and then air is passed through the filter. Air temperature can be reduced as much as 30 degrees F.

  • Solar water heater panels. Hot water for our own house and our 3 bedroom Pavilion is provided by the Moroccan sun, with back-up provide by instant gas heaters.

  • Primarily fluorescent lights. Why use 75 watts when 20 watts will do the same job?

As for the lovely piece of land it sits on, Peacock Pavilions takes measures in the care of the land, gardens, and irrigation. Instead of using the common "flooding" irrigation system as in much of Morocco, Peacock Pavilions uses a drip system which 

only puts out about 1 gallon of water on the ground per hour. The water slowly seeps in the ground with almost no evaporation, thus saving a lot of precious water in this dry climate. Also grey water is used for irrigation.

No chemical pesticides are ever used on the property, and an organic garden with d

elicious tomatoes, lettuce picked fresh from the garden...pumpkin, corn, onions, and more are grown using only natural fertilizer. 

Besides enjoying the upcoming

yoga retreat

 at an eco-friendly location, also with the all-vegetarian menu being served, we're being even more gentle with the earth. This past

Earth Day article

lists some of the popular points citing vegetarianism as one of the best "green" practices around.

So now...why not celebrate Earth Day by joining us in September!



KARMA CONNECTION \ Africa Yoga Project

I'm really happy to talk about this Karma Connection today.


is an amazing project that more yogis (and non-yogis) need to know about. Their slogan of "CULTIVATE UNITY * CREATE POSSIBILITY * FOSTER NON-VIOLENCE" is just the beginning of their mission. I was fortunate enough to meet Paige Elenson, founder of the project this past weekend at a workshop hosted by

M Body Yoga

in Neptune Beach, FL. She spoke to us about her yoga background and how she came to live in Kenya and share her heart to the communities there.

all photos via Africa Yoga Project

"The Africa Yoga Project uses the transformative power of yoga to empower communities and change lives. By inspiring the global yoga community into active service, AYP delivers effective and innovative programs that foster peace, improve physical, emotion and mental well-being, facilitate self-sufficiency and create opportunities to learn and contribute across the communities of East Africa."

AYP works under the parent organization of

Sarakasi Trust

, which is the East African leader in using the arts and culture to eradicate poverty. Through community yoga classes, and "yoga on the streets", the Africa Yoga Project has brought such a beautiful practice to the Kenyan communities which "provides a healthy, motivational venue for young adults to engage with their community, build support systems and change their lives." Not only are classes provided but also educational scholarships, job training, food stipends, temporary housing and health services. Plus, Baptiste Yoga teacher trainings have helped bring new Kenyan yoga teachers into their own communities to help spread the yoga-love! ♥

Here's a video which will give you a good idea of the work the AYP does in Kenya and the lives they are changing!

(email readers must click through online to view)

Learn more about the Africa Yoga Project:




Italian day-trip \ market in Arezzo

Today I thought I'd take you on an Italian day-trip...won't you join me? One of the side trips we'll be taking on the

EAT.PRAY.MOVE Yoga Retreats

in June and July this year in Italy is to the lovely Tuscany town of Arezzo. This once Etruscan city is home to the famous 

Fiera Antiquaria

 (antique fair) which is spread up and down all the streets, alleys, and squares of the city center.

There are over 500 antique vendors with everything from jewelry, books, oil paintings, original edition comic books, tapestries, linens, furniture, frames, tin toys, carved wooden doors, stamps, postcards and almost anything you could think to collect.

A few years ago, while my husband and I were living in Florence, we visited Arezzo with the lovely Julian and Amanda (owners of the villa where the yoga retreat will take place). It was a beautiful spring Sunday, and such a great way to experience this Tuscan town.

We meandered up the street past many frames of silver, pine, and iron leaning against the stone walls and tables of bric-a-brac being picked through by tourists and Italians from all regions. As soon as we got to the first intersection, I looked to the right and left down the crossway and each 


 (street) was just as full of antique vendors as was the current one on which we stood. 

We quickly came upon a small piazza with the 

Basilica di San Francesco

, which we were able to step in for a little bit to see the 

Legends of the True Cross

 by Piero della Francesca. Since it was Sunday mass, we had to view it from afar...luckily Julian (owner of the villa where the retreat will be held, and who will be also leading this day-trip) teaches art history and was able to explain much of this massive fresco to us from the prints in the back of the church. As soon as we exited the silent hall, the hum of shoppers filled the air once again and we continued the trek through town. 

Soon we were at the Vasari Loggia, a hall of old shops with a covered sidewalk and archways leading to Piazza Grande, the culmination of the fair. Here is where 

Frances Mayes

, author of 

Under the Tuscan Sun


Bella Tuscany

, writes about buying things for her villa in Cortona. I searched through some stalls of bed linens and found a couple white embroidered pillow cases. Notice, I didn't say a "pair" of cases, as the two I chose don't match...but it's nice to find mismatched linens with different stories behind them (not that I 


 the stories, but at least I can 


 two stories now instead of one).

After a small lunch at a cafe under the shade of the Loggia, we inspected several more streets and even found the cathedral, near where a scene of 

La Vita e' Bella

 (Life is Beautiful) was filmed. This town was the main backdrop of the first part of this internationally famous movie, and there are even plaques around the city at certain sites, marking scenes from the film. 

Arezzo is a beautiful town with or without happening upon it on the market day. If you're in Tuscany I highly recommend a visit...or you can always

join us in June


Pose Series #7 \ Astavakrasana


 :: Eight Angle Pose

Moving into a bit more advanced poses now from the foundational basic poses I've posted previously in this pose series. Astavakrasana may be a pose to work up to, but there are many foundational asanas that you can practice that will lead you to the final expression of the "eight angle pose". Be sure to warm up with a few sun salutations and basic postures, staying strong with breath and bandhas before attempting. Note: there are many ways to get into this pose, and the following are just body-awareness cues once you're in it.

Fingers wide and fingertips pressing into the mat.

Hands shoulder-width apart, grounding and strong.

Elbows bent at 90º angle.

Shoulders firm to the back, and square to mat.

Chest lifted.

Neck long and gaze 


looking forward.

Pelvis floor engaged (mula bandha).

Navel pulled in and up (uddiyana bandha).

Legs long and straight.

Quads engaged.

Knee caps lifted.

Feet flexed and strong, lifting away.

B R E A T H E (ujjayi breath).


good (for you) food \ quinoa+kale plate

This wellness Wednesday post is about a recipe I make about 5 times a week. It's an amazing veggie dish, full of healthy protein, iron, good-for-you fats, and LOADS of taste!

I was introduced to it by my friend Jenn, who lives in Vermont on a homestead farm working towards producing almost all their own food. She writes on the well-known foodie blog

Leftover Queen

. She originated this recipe and calls it the "

breakfast of champions

" (although I normally eat it for lunch). She even was featured in a cookbook and if you check out her post, she includes a video app to Master Chef, giving us a tour of her kitchen and a tutorial on this dish. 

I've modified it a little to our liking, and of course the greens change with season and what we can find at the farmer's market. Various forms of kale have been our favorite. So here is the recipe based on how I prepare it most days. Really, don't base it on the way it sounds or looks...I can't tell you how good it really is. EASY. HEALTHY. DELICIOUS.

"Quinoa & Kale Plate"

(based on 1 serving)

1 handful of kale cut/torn into larger bite-size pieces

1 scoop of quinoa (pre-soaked. I use mixure of original + red)

1 egg

goat cheese

sprinkle of pine nuts

generous sprinkling of garlic powder

pinch of course sea salt

olive oil

Heat olive oil in pan at med-high heat, add kale, garlic powder and salt and saute' until brighter green and partially wilted. Add quinoa and pine nuts, stir and briefly saute' enough to incorporate ingredients together. Make a "bed" of the mixture in the pan and crack open egg on top. Reduce heat to a little over medium, cover, and let sit for several minutes or until egg is poached and mixture is crispy on bottom.

Use spatula to remove entire bed out together onto plate. Sprinkle with cold goat cheese.


springtime + savoring life

Life runs away from you sometimes....and we try to run with it at least. That's how the past month or so has been feeling for me - things coming at me in all directions - mostly good. Really good things. When this year started I felt like it was going to be a great year - not exactly sure why I was sure of it, but I felt that there were changes in the air, optimism on the horizon, and lots of fun to be had. For now...just a small story of stopping to smell the flowers of life...

About a week and a half ago, we went up to Asheville, NC for a long weekend in the mountains with a group of friends. Mountains, hiking, good food, cool nights, some yoga, picnics, and lots of live music from the guitars, banjo, harmonica, and bass which made the trip as well.

Mornings never started with an alarm clock, and hours passed without anyone rushing to go somewhere or do something. Time was slow, conversations plenty, and a birthday was celebrated with the richest chocolate cake I've eaten.

Asheville boasts a strong community of local/organic/vegetarian restaurants, which we were able to sample. There are also a handful of wonderful yoga studios, and always an array of classes and workshops to choose from. I was just in Asheville over Christmas and had stopped in on an Ashtanga class, and decided to go to an inversion workshop this time at Asheville Yoga Center for a couple hours one afternoon.

We hiked some Smoky Mountain trails and drove with the windows down over miles of the Blue Ridge Parkway...through tunnels, past valleys and peaks. We stopped for a little picnic at a lookout, and enjoyed the afternoon sun. Made our way to the stream at a waterfall, and watched the mountain ranges turn purple at sunset.

It was a beautiful several days with a wonderful group of people. It's a reminder to breathe in deep, unplug, and enjoy the spring flowers that are blooming!

Pose Series #6 \ Virabhadrasana II

Virabhadrasana II

 :: Warrior II

Feet grounded.

Front knee bent at 90º angle.

Knee over ankle (not past), foot facing straight ahead.

Back leg strong and straight.

Foot facing side.

Quads engaged.

Hips open to the side.

Tailbone tucked under.

Pelvis floor engaged (mula bandha).

Navel pulled in and up (uddiyana bandha).

Chest open to the side.

Shoulders relaxed, down your back, away from ears.

Arms strong and parallel to mat.

Palms facing down.

Hands and fingers strong and reaching away from each other.

Neck long, head relaxed.

Gaze (drishti) towards front hand.

B R E A T H E (ujjayi breath).



I've been enjoying the

Eye on Italy podcast

since its very beginning in the spring of last year. This weekly podcast is always on my iPod when I travel, especially on longer drives. Of course, I'm a bit partial because of my extreme interest in Italy - the country I love to consider my second home - but even for those with just a general interest in "il bel paese", travel, world knowledge, or just different cultural facts, will find it very interesting.

"Eye on Italy is an Italy podcast that focuses on news, culture and travel in English. Each episode includes expert interviews and guests, Picks of the Week for new Italy applications, websites, and tips in every episode, plus a different Italian word featured in our Angolo d’Italiano (Italian corner)."

Our friend, Sara, is one of the hosts along with Michelle and Jessica. All of these lovely American ladies have amazing credentials. Sara, lives in Milan and is a techy-guru, find out more about all of her projects on her hub site,


. Michelle, is a freelance writer and attorney living in Calabria where she blogs at


. And Jessica is a writer for BootsnAll Travel Network and also runs the


 travel guide.

Each week they get together with various guests to talk about current news in Italy, special interest subjects, and plenty of travel talk. The most recent episode is about a subject close to my heart: "Being Vegetarian (and Dealing with Other Special Diets) in Italy" - and includes a mention of the


Yoga Retreats. Read about and download the episode



So if you can't get to Italy as soon as you'd like, but would like a way to transport your mind...check out more of Eye on Italy through the ways below:

Subscribe to FREE podcast on iTUNES

Look through PAST EPISODES

Follow on TWITTER


Tempting Tuesday \ A Peek at the Pavilions

Today's "Tempting Tuesday" post is all about taking a closer look at the location of the

Marrakesh, Morocco yoga retreat

. I'm so happy to be hosting this retreat at such a lovely location. Peacock Pavilions has been featured in travel and design publications, and it's easy to see why.

This boutique hotel is located in Marrakesh on 8.5 acres of land, including 5 acres of olive grove, this stylish and eco-friendly abode has been featured in worldwide publications, including National Geographic Traveler.

Breathtakingly beautiful and luxuriously designed, the living quarters where guests will stay during the retreat features gorgeous fireplaces and a glamorous bathrooms in each room. Each bedroom also has its own private terrace - just the right place to enjoy a minty tea or a zingy cocktail!

I mean, just look at these bedrooms? The hand-painted details, and carefully chosen linens to give the perfect ambiance of exotic, modern, and Moroccan.

The entire pavilion property has been decorated with care and loaded with art, special fabrics, and exotic good stuff from all around the world...A swanky place to relax, the salon/great room has a stunning lacy plasterwork that took weeks to complete. There is also seating and dining areas for intimate discussions and cozy meals. A spiral staircase leads to a catwalk high in the air, where you can sit on vintage embroideries and admire the view. 

Not only is this place gorgeous, but it's also eco-friendly. Observing "green" building and gardening techniques, you'll feel good about the organic bounty served to your plate, and the hot water you use heated by the solar panels! Spend some free time at the lovely, inviting pool and patio, or join us for a henna and cocktail party in the painted tent, or perhaps an outdoor cinema night on the lawn.

Peacock Pavilions is owned by Maryam and her husband Chris, both recently featured on HGTV's House Hunters International. Chris is an architect, and Maryam a freelance photographer, travel and lifestyle writer, and the author of the award winning blog, 

My Marrakesh

. Both make a perfect team in putting this amazing estate together.

Yoga + Souks + Camels! Oh My! New Morocco Yoga Retreat!

Not sure if you've visited the


website lately, but there's been some changes! We have a new site design...all to accommodate some new events!

The most recent big announcement is the addition of an

exotic retreat in MARRAKESH, MOROCCO

! Taking place SEPT 11-17, 2011, I'm so excited to add this to the growing EAT.PRAY.MOVE yoga retreats in the Mediterranean area.

This fantastic yoga retreat will take place at the fabulous Peacock Pavilions boutique hotel. Located in Marrakesh on 8.5 acres of land, including 5 acres of olive grove, this stylish and eco-friendly abode has been featured in worldwide publications, including National Geographic Traveler.

Breathtakingly beautiful and luxuriously designed, the living quarters where guests will stay during the retreat features gorgeous fireplaces and a glamorous bathrooms in each room. Each bedroom also has its own private terrace...just the right place to enjoy a minty tea or a zingy cocktail!

Guests will not only enjoy the grounds of Peacock Pavilions, the outdoor areas including a lovely pool, patio, private terraces, and covered yoga platform, but the retreat includes some amazing day-trips to the surrounding sites. A guided day in Marrakesh will lead guests through an introduction to Souqs and visits to sites such as Jardin Majorelle, Djema Al-Fnaa, Bahia Palace, and Saadian Tombs.

A full day will be spent in Essaouira, a historic fortified town on the Atlantic coast. Here we'll experience camel rides along the shore, yoga on the beach, meals on the docks, and plenty of exploring. The final full day entails a trip to the famous Bains de Marrakesh, a luxurious spa facility, where guests can be pampered to their heart's content (one treatment is included in retreat cost). What better way to wrap up a week of yoga than a day of pure relaxation.

Learn more about the Morocco Retreat HERE

Sign Up HERE

good (for you) food \ acai smoothie

One of my almost-daily energy food recipes is this yummy açaí smoothie.

So easy to make, so nutricious, and sooo good. I've talked about it before, and even


about it. So I thought I'd take some photos while I made it this afternoon, and share it with you!

INGREDIENTS: (for one serving)

1/2 frozen açaí smoothie packet (Sambazon makes un/sweetened puree)

1/2 banana

1/2 peach (frozen pieces of fruit work best for a thicker, colder smoothie)

1/3 c apple juice

1/4 c granola

Blend all the fruit and juice together until well blended. Pour in bowl. Top with granola (and pieces of extra banana if you like). Enjoy!

You can always substitute other fruit/fruit juice combinations based on your preference or what's in season. This combination just happens to be my absolute favorite.

Back by Popular Demand! New Retreat Dates Announced!

Wow! We're excited to announce that the


July Italy retreat is now completely FULL! We had such an amazing response from so many people interested it was so nice to have booked it this early.

But we didn't want the site to just say "SOLD OUT" for too long...so we've added another retreat week!

JUNE 19-25, 2011

So if you missed out on signing up for the July retreat, go ahead and join us in June. Same program. Same amazing villa. And same affordable price of just $1400 for 7 days inclusive (lodging, meals, day-trips, transportation in Italy, daily yoga classes, and more!).

Check out our new re-designed main site: www.eatpraymove.com

Find out all the JUNE retreat details HERE

Sign up HERE

Pose Series #5 \ Virabhadrasana III

Virabhadrasana III

:: Warrior III

Standing leg strong.

Foot grounded, toes spread.

Weight distributed on all parts of foot.

Quads engaged.

Hips square to the mat.

Lifted leg strong and engaged.

Pelvis floor engaged (mula bandha).

Navel pulled in and up (uddiyana bandha).

Neck long, head relaxed.

Gaze (drishti) towards thumbs.

Shoulders relaxed into sockets away from ears.

Arms strong and parallel to mat.

B R E A T H E (ujjayi breath).


Announcing Extended Travel Planning Services

Pantheon in Rome

Happy Friday! I'm so excited about all the interest we've been getting for the upcoming

yoga retreat in Italy

. Almost everyday I hear from someone else who wants to join us this summer. Plus, as of earlier this week there are ONLY 2 SPOTS LEFT! Want to be one of them?



Several people who've contacted us have wanted to make more of a full vacation out of their trip to Italy, adding several days before or after the retreat to experience more of the country's amazing treasures.

gondolas in Venice

This is where we can help!


Would you like assistance in finding a list of suggested routes, cities, sites, accommodations, and dining options? Or would you prefer a very specific list of an exact itinerary to follow? Maybe you want an onsite personalized "concierge"/tour guide to accompany you, allowing you to just sit back and enjoy the ride?!

Vernazza, Cinque Terre

Whatever your preference, we can help! Don't worry if the 7-day yoga retreat isn't long enough for you to travel to

"il bel paese"

- you're free to extend your trip as long as you'd like.

Visit Rome and see the Eternal City with the ancient ruins, go to Venice and experience a city unlike any other on earth, or even head to the beautiful Cinque Terre and hike along the seaside cliffs and picturesque villages. Whatever your ♥ desires...

EMAIL US for more information and pricing details!

Plus, don't forget to "Like" us on FACEBOOK!

Pose Series #4 \ Salamba Sirsasana

Salamba Sirsasana

:: Supported Headstand

Fingers interlaced.

Side of hands pressing into the mat.

Forearms pressing into the mat.

Elbows in at shoulder distance apart.

Top of head in hands, resting (not pressing into) mat.

Neck long.

Gaze (drishti) at third eye.

Shoulders strong and lifting.

Navel pulled in and up (uddiyana bandha).

Pelvis floor engaged (mula bandha).

Legs stacked, engaged, and strong.

Feet and toes pointing upwards.

B R E A T H E (ujjayi breath).


Hanging Upside-Down in the Big Apple

photo by

Om Factory NYC

A couple weeks ago I visited the Big Apple and was so happy to have been able to participate in an AntiGravity Yoga class at the

Om Factory NYC

yoga studio. I'd been looking forward to experiencing this class since I first heard of it, and made sure to sign up early online for a space during my long-weekend stay in the city.

AntiGravity Yoga was founded in 1990 by broadway dancer and aerial acrobat, Christopher Harrison. Now an emerging trend in the yoga and fitness world, his "suspension trainings" are spreading wildly.

photo by

Om Factory NYC

Located near the fashion district, Om Factory is on the 17th floor with a lovely space complete with dressing rooms, several yoga rooms, and a spacious lounge. I arrived in time to get dressed (complete with a long-sleeve shirt as they recommend to lessen irritation under the arms), sip on a coconut water, and chat with a couple other people waiting for the start of class.

When the time came to get set up, I walked through the grid of hanging orange hammocks and picked a spot in the front corner with a great view out of the windows overlooking the city. An assistant came around with a ladder to adjust everyone's apparatus to the correct height just at the hip-bone level. After we were all situated, the lovely instructor, Shelley, walked in, welcomed us, and began the class.

I'm not sure what else I can really say in words about the experience, other than it felt like a 75-min massage. It was amazing really. Perfect for (re)alignment, spine lengthening, decompression, and relaxation. For my normal, quite rigorous practice, this would be a class I would love to add to my routine as a fun, challenging, very unique, and benefit-rich experience.

If you're in New York City, I'd definitely recommend checking this out and experiencing AntiGravity Yoga for yourself!




Upcoming Weekend Emersion Master Class

Tempting Tuesday \ Umbrian Cuisine

It's about time I start talking to you about one of the fabulous parts of the


Yoga Retreat that is taking place this summer in Italy...the CUISINE.

I mean "Eat" is the first word of the title, although, don't get me wrong - yoga is still the focus. But food - beautiful, tasty, healthy, organic Italian cuisine is also a wonderful part of the retreat that guests are sure to enjoy. Amanda, one of the hosts at the villa, is a natural when it comes to preparing simple, seasonal meals in the traditions of the Tuscan and Umbrian regions.

I thought today I'd feature a recipe of hers which she’s shared. It's the perfect in-between seasons meal with the warmth of the grilled bread and beans, with the tanginess of the fresh rosemary.

Bruschetta with Cannellini Beans & Rosemary

1 tin or jar good quality cannellini beans, drained

Large spring rosemary

Balsamic vinegar

Extra virgin olive oil

Sea salt and black pepper

2 cloves Garlic

Coarse country style bread, sliced

First grill your slices of bread. While they are still hot drizzle them with olive oil and rub them with a cut clove of garlic.

Pull all the spikey leaves from the rosemary spring and chop very, very finely until almost a powder. Fry one clove of chopped garlic in a little olive oil but be careful not to let it colour. Add the drained beans and continue to cook for about 5 minutes, add the rosemary, a little more oil and season well with salt and pepper and a spritz of balsamic vinegar. Mash everything together using the back of a wooden spoon until you have a coarse puree. Heap the beans onto the grilled bread and drizzle with more of the olive oil. This is delicious with a sharp green salad on the side and a glass of rough red wine to wash it down.

Now, doesn't that make you want to

join us in July


KARMA CONNECTION \ Chianti Wine Tour

Today on another installment of the "Karma Connection" blog series where I highlight other types of retreats in order to share the ♥love♥, I'd like to introduce you to

Passionate Palate Tours


I was lucky enough to meet the beautiful founder,

Jeni Moretti

a few years ago when I was living in Florence. We had "met" through the blogosphere, and finally met in person and enjoyed a glass of, none other than, Chianti. She and her husband Antonio run a wine business and from their love of the grape, came the Passionate Palate tours where they share their knowledge of Italy and Italian wine + food to guests on their trips.


Artist in Italy

They just announced their upcoming trip this fall, taking place September 5-11 and will allow guests to indulge in VIP wine and food tours, alongside of chef and author Leonardo Curti.

Leonardi Curti

Find out details



Cin Cin!

Pose Series #3 \ Virabhadrasana I

Virabhadrasana I

:: Warrior I

Fingers and palms reaching up.

Strong, straight arms and elbows.

Shoulders down away from ears.

Neck long.

Gaze (drishti) up at thumbs.

Chest lifted.

Navel pulled in and up (uddiyana bandha)

Pelvis floor engaged (mula handha).

Tailbone tucked under.

Hips square to front of mat.

Front leg strong with 90º bend in knee.

Weight in front heel. Feet pointed straight. Toes light.

Back leg strong and straight.

Foot pressing into floor at 45º from front.

B R E A T H E (ujjayi breath).


Pose Series #2 \ Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

:: Upward Facing Dog

Fingers and palms pressing into the mat.

Hands below shoulders.

Shoulders moving down and back.

Neck long.

Gaze (drishti ) towards third-eye.

Abdomen engaged (uddiyana bandha).

Hips lifted off mat.

Pelvis floor engaged (mula bandha).

Gluts soft.Legs engaged and lifed off mat.

Feet hip distance apart.

Tops of feet pressing into the mat.

Toes pointed.

B R E A T H E (ujjayi breath).
