Pose Series #10 \ Parivrtta Trikonasana

Parivrtta Trikonasana :: Revolved Triangle 

Feet grounding and spaced.

One foot forward, one foot back.

Heels pressing.

 Toes light.

 Legs fully engaged.

 Hips squared to front.

 Pelvis floor engaged (mula bandha).

 Navel pulled in and up (uddiyana bandha).

 Torso lengthened, strong, and twisting.

 Arms extended and reaching.

 Bottom hand pressing and grounding on outside of front foot.

 Top fingers reaching skyward.

 Top of head reaching out.

 Neck lengthening.

 Gaze (dristhi) upwards.

 B R E A T H E (ujjayi breath).


Pose Series #9 \ Vasisthasana

Vasisthasana :: Side Plank

Bottom hand spread, fingers pressing. 

 Arm strong. 

 Wrist directly under shoulder. 

 Torso open to side. 

 Navel pulled in and up (uddiyana bandha). 

 Hips lifting. 

 Pelvis floor engaged (mula bandha). 

 Bottom leg strong. 

 Side/bottom of foot pressing into the mat. 

 Extension (optional): Top leg lifting. 

 Pressing away with heel. 

 Grabbing toe with fingers. 

 Gaze (dristhi) upwards. 

 B R E A T H E (ujjayi breath). 


Pose Series #8 :: Ustrasana


:: Camel Pose

Knees hip width apart.

Shins parallel behind knees pressing into mat.

Tops of feet grounding.

Quads engaged.

Hips lifted and pressing forward.

Glutes soften.

Pelvis floor engaged (mula bandha).

Navel pulled in and up (uddiyana bandha).

Heart and chest reaching up.

Shoulders back.

Arms reaching back.

Hands reach toward heels.

Neck long and head looking back.

B R E A T H E (ujjayi breath).


Pose Series #7 \ Astavakrasana


 :: Eight Angle Pose

Moving into a bit more advanced poses now from the foundational basic poses I've posted previously in this pose series. Astavakrasana may be a pose to work up to, but there are many foundational asanas that you can practice that will lead you to the final expression of the "eight angle pose". Be sure to warm up with a few sun salutations and basic postures, staying strong with breath and bandhas before attempting. Note: there are many ways to get into this pose, and the following are just body-awareness cues once you're in it.

Fingers wide and fingertips pressing into the mat.

Hands shoulder-width apart, grounding and strong.

Elbows bent at 90º angle.

Shoulders firm to the back, and square to mat.

Chest lifted.

Neck long and gaze 


looking forward.

Pelvis floor engaged (mula bandha).

Navel pulled in and up (uddiyana bandha).

Legs long and straight.

Quads engaged.

Knee caps lifted.

Feet flexed and strong, lifting away.

B R E A T H E (ujjayi breath).


Pose Series #6 \ Virabhadrasana II

Virabhadrasana II

 :: Warrior II

Feet grounded.

Front knee bent at 90º angle.

Knee over ankle (not past), foot facing straight ahead.

Back leg strong and straight.

Foot facing side.

Quads engaged.

Hips open to the side.

Tailbone tucked under.

Pelvis floor engaged (mula bandha).

Navel pulled in and up (uddiyana bandha).

Chest open to the side.

Shoulders relaxed, down your back, away from ears.

Arms strong and parallel to mat.

Palms facing down.

Hands and fingers strong and reaching away from each other.

Neck long, head relaxed.

Gaze (drishti) towards front hand.

B R E A T H E (ujjayi breath).


Pose Series #5 \ Virabhadrasana III

Virabhadrasana III

:: Warrior III

Standing leg strong.

Foot grounded, toes spread.

Weight distributed on all parts of foot.

Quads engaged.

Hips square to the mat.

Lifted leg strong and engaged.

Pelvis floor engaged (mula bandha).

Navel pulled in and up (uddiyana bandha).

Neck long, head relaxed.

Gaze (drishti) towards thumbs.

Shoulders relaxed into sockets away from ears.

Arms strong and parallel to mat.

B R E A T H E (ujjayi breath).


Pose Series #4 \ Salamba Sirsasana

Salamba Sirsasana

:: Supported Headstand

Fingers interlaced.

Side of hands pressing into the mat.

Forearms pressing into the mat.

Elbows in at shoulder distance apart.

Top of head in hands, resting (not pressing into) mat.

Neck long.

Gaze (drishti) at third eye.

Shoulders strong and lifting.

Navel pulled in and up (uddiyana bandha).

Pelvis floor engaged (mula bandha).

Legs stacked, engaged, and strong.

Feet and toes pointing upwards.

B R E A T H E (ujjayi breath).


Pose Series #3 \ Virabhadrasana I

Virabhadrasana I

:: Warrior I

Fingers and palms reaching up.

Strong, straight arms and elbows.

Shoulders down away from ears.

Neck long.

Gaze (drishti) up at thumbs.

Chest lifted.

Navel pulled in and up (uddiyana bandha)

Pelvis floor engaged (mula handha).

Tailbone tucked under.

Hips square to front of mat.

Front leg strong with 90º bend in knee.

Weight in front heel. Feet pointed straight. Toes light.

Back leg strong and straight.

Foot pressing into floor at 45º from front.

B R E A T H E (ujjayi breath).


Pose Series #2 \ Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

:: Upward Facing Dog

Fingers and palms pressing into the mat.

Hands below shoulders.

Shoulders moving down and back.

Neck long.

Gaze (drishti ) towards third-eye.

Abdomen engaged (uddiyana bandha).

Hips lifted off mat.

Pelvis floor engaged (mula bandha).

Gluts soft.Legs engaged and lifed off mat.

Feet hip distance apart.

Tops of feet pressing into the mat.

Toes pointed.

B R E A T H E (ujjayi breath).


Pose Series #1 \ Adho Mukha Svanasana

Welcome to the first post in a new series of posts I'm working on. It is a series of poses that I thought would gear us up for the

upcoming retreat in Italy

. (These will also be posted on the Eat.Pray.Move


as well).

How better to start a series of poses than with one of the foundational



Adho Mukha Svanasana

(Downward-Facing Dog). In this series I'll try to plainly explain the physical cues from FINGERS to TOES. As, we all know that in yoga, we must be aware of every part of our body, breath, and mind in each pose.

So, here we go. Try it yourself. Enjoy...and b r e a t h e.


Fingers gripping the mat.

Palms pressing down, even weight distribution.

Hands shoulder-distance away.

Head relaxed.

Gaze (drishti) knees to navel.

Neck relaxed and long.

Abdomen engaged (uddiyana bandha).

Tailbone tilted up.

Pelvis floor engaged (mula handha).

Quads strong.

Kneecaps lifted.

Feet hip-distance apart.

Heels pressing down.

Toes light.

B R E A T H E (ujjayi breath).


photo by

Crystal Jones