We are super excited to announce our collaboration with Sam Katz in Tuscany this year! We thought it would be great to find out a little bit more about this super talented, gorgeous woman who we are sure to learn so much from…

Hi Sam! Thanks so much for taking the time to chat with us today. I would love to hear a little bit about your background … where are you from and how has that inspired you?

Sam: I was born in Argentina, and when I was 16, my family and I moved to Canada. This had such a huge impact on me - it made me realize how big and different the whole world is and made me curious to travel. So at age 19, I became an avid traveller. I always say that, although photography is my biggest passion, travel is my biggest love. I’ve been to 56 countries around the world and have been living in Bali, Indonesia the last 3 years.

So cool! How did your journey into leading retreats get started? How did you get introduced to EPM?

Sam: I started leading retreats by accident in 2017. I was in Tulum, Mexico, and got in touch with a retreat company to do photos for them. One day, on a boat, with a really choppy ocean, we couldn’t shoot or do activities, so we were sitting around for the moment to pass. The girls were asking me photography questions, so I did a photography 101 course in the spot, and it was amazing! After that, the retreat hired me to teach photography and editing around the world, and I became a retreat leader and main photographer and videographer. I always loved teaching, and doing the retreats really showed me I was actually good at it!

It’s been a few years since I’ve done a retreat, so I am really excited to get back into it. It is my first time leading a retreat with EPM, but not my first time at one. In 2018, I came to do videos and photos for the Tuscany retreat, and thats how we met!

So how did things evolve into this upcoming retreat collaboration?

Sam: Erin and I have been talking about doing a retreat together for a while now. We talked about Bali, of course, but I knew I wanted it to be Italy. I love Italy so much, and blending my favourite country (and food) with photography is an absolute dream. I am excited because this is the first time I get to design the classes/workshops myself and really create what I want. I am also excited we have yoga and so many activities planned, because I want this retreat to feel like an Italian holiday, not like a workshop abroad! There is going to be lots of free time and enjoying la dolce vita!

Do you have any goals or intentions for 2023?

Sam: My goals and intentions for 2023 are simple. I want to visit one new country, see my family, and continue doing the work that I love. I feel really lucky to be living the life of my dreams, and it wasn’t always like this, so for me, every year is about being grateful and continuing to be able to live this life I love so much. Of course I am looking forward to the retreat, celebrating my birthday in Italy during the week, and hopefully creating another one in Bali in the future, something maybe a little more advanced for the seasoned photographers!

We are so excited around here for this retreat! Okay Sam one last question. I always like to ask inspirational people like yourself if you have any recommendations or suggestions of things you have been into lately?

Sam: I just finished an amazing book called “Conversations on Love” by Natasha Lunn. It was amazing, such a beautiful companion to life. It’s a really grounding book to appreciate the love we have, learn to grow it, and recognize it all around us.

Below is the awesome promo video Sam created for us;)

Thanks so much Sam! We can’t wait to spend time with you in Tuscany and learn more about photography!

Click HERE to sign up to go with us. Spaces are already filling up fast!


EPM Family