Erin Lewis is a busy lady. Based in Italy, Erin founded EAT.PRAY.MOVE 10 years ago and still plans and leads nearly almost all of our retreats. We caught up with Erin to ask her some questions that our readers and guests may not already know. Find out more about her below!

Which travel experience has had the biggest impact on you?

I think it had to be my first trip to Europe - mainly Italy, in my early 20s. It was love at first sight, and for some reasons just felt like home to me. It immediately left me wanting to find a way to live there, which I did less than 3 years later, but only for a year. Then fast forward to 2015 when I moved back to make it my permanent home. Suffice to say, that travel experience changed my life in major ways.

How would you describe your yoga practice?

My yoga practice is always evolving. I started practicing about 22 years ago and through that time it's gone from somewhat casual to learning more about the actual ancient practice, then connecting more to make it a daily practice, then to diving in even more with training. Of course that led to sharing it, teaching, and continuing to develop myself. However it's also undulated between a very rigorous, strict discipline where the physical practice was very important to me, to times when I needed to soften, let go a bit, and just relax into where it was taking me. Plus the saying by Pattabhi Jois "Practice, and all is coming" has continued to ring true - as just by being a practitioner, my idea of yoga has deepened and is now much more of an inward, quiet, meditative discipline on top of the physical. 

What is your ideal morning routine? 

Lately I've been really into learning more about breathwork, so I've been doing a breath routine to start the day. Then of course here in Italy, there's time for a coffee! Many mornings we head out to the local bar for an espresso (mine however is always decaf) and a pastry. I know, I know, when in Italy. Then usually we do a crossword from the Times or Post before starting work. Then about mid-morning it's time for a little meditation and/or yoga routine.

What’s the last book you read and loved?

I'm currently reading “See You in the Piazza” by Frances Mayes (who happens to live not too far from us) and it's been a good insight into some of the less-known towns in Italy. Also “Letting Go” by David Hawkins is one where the lessons I learned stay in my mind quite regularly.

Favorite travel hack for frequent flyers?

I usually only travel with a carry on, so I'd say to plan your outfits in advance, and make sure every piece can be used a few times with other pieces. Don't forget - there are usually laundry options wherever you'll be.

If you were an essential oil, which would you be?

Oh I love this question! I'd probably be a blend with lavender, geranium, palo santo, and frankincense. (Not sure how they would actually be together, but they are all my favorites on their own).

Thanks to Caitlin, for interviewing, and thanks to Erin for giving us a little view into your world!