We’re happy to share this guest post by Margaret Reeb, a past guest of EPM. She is a copywriter and PR professional with insatiable wanderlust and was kind enough to write for us to suggest some sanity activities for regular travelers like ourselves who are stuck at home.

Stay at home. That’s what most of us have been doing for the better part of a month—or longer—in order to stop the spread of COVID-19. And though this is the right thing for our collective health, spending days confined inside the walls of our apartments or houses can make the world feel quite small. 

We understand the transformative power of travel and the importance of finding positive, productive activities to fill the abundance of free time quarantine creates. Just because we can’t hop on a plane doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy aspects of travel and exploration at home. That’s why we compiled a list of travel-themed projects to tend to your inner wanderlust. 

Organize travel pictures:

If you’re like us, you have plenty of photos from your travels on your phone or camera. Now is a great time to organize these pictures, back them up, and order prints of your favorites—planning where you’ll display them in your home. As you’re going through the snapshots, take time to appreciate memories that surface. You can even go through the pictures with your partner or kids, sharing stories and reliving your favorite moments. 

Practice a foreign language:

Download an app like Duolingo or Babbel to brush up on your language skills. Set a practice goal for each day and track your progress. You could even keep a notebook of useful words and phrases you’ll need for your next trip or organize a virtual conversation hour with someone else studying the language. 

Reach out to travel friends:

Did you study abroad or participate in a retreat? Did you backpack around Asia? Did you volunteer in Europe? No matter where or how you traveled, you likely made plenty of friends along the way. Now is a great time to reconnect over email or schedule a call to catch up. Make a list of all the people you want to reach out to and set a goal to get in touch with one new person each week. 

Cook a dish or pop in a film:

There’s no way to replicate the exact feeling of being in your favorite foreign city—but a movie or dish is the next best thing. Set aside a night to watch a film set in the travel destination of your dreams or cook a dish you discovered while traveling. (If you’re feeling particularly energetic, do both!) 

Research your next trip:

Though times are uncertain and it’s difficult to make definitive plans, this abundance of free time creates the perfect environment for dreaming. Explore the history and culture of the next must-see city on your list. Take note of all the sights you want to see, food you want to try, and moments you want to experience. You can even create Pinterest boards to organize your thoughts or reach out to friends who have visited your next destination for tips. 

Donate to an international organization:

Give a gift to a relief organization helping your favorite international city during the COVID-19 crisis. This is a great way to give back and support the community that has impacted your life in a positive way. 

Travel is a powerful reminder of our interconnectedness, and we hope these activities bring a spot of happiness in these uncertain times. 

Thanks, Margaret, for taking the time to share these ideas with us! Hopefully, it will help us daydream and pass the time in a positive way. You can check out her work at